General Terms of Trade
Click to view the General Terms of Trade for each regionJapan
Export Regions
These terms of trade will apply to your purchase of imported American vehicles that are for delivery to destinations within Japan.
You can purchase vehicles from IBC Japan Ltd. (IBC) for delivery to major cities in Japan from IBC owned inventory of American vehicles imported into Japan from the United States of America, or from iDirect USA which is direct from auctions in the United States of America, or from IBC Auto.com.
Prices can be viewed with full vehicle details once you receive your login and password after signing in.
Japan Sales Online
* More than 200 vehicles imported from the United States are available for purchase on-line from IBC inventory in Japan.
* Prices are shown on IBC's website www.ibcauto.com in Japanese Yen (JPY).
Auctions in the USA -- iDirect
* iDirect Internet Auction Services or iDirect USA is one of the most comprehensive online vehicle auction services with more than 100 auctions aggregated on the iDirect service. More than 100,000 vehicles per day are offered on iDirect.
* IBC receives auction data and photographs from auction houses in the United States daily. This information is loaded on the iDirect database and offered online in IBC's website under Auctions in USA – iDirect page. This is accessible after logging into IBC's website and choosing the appropriate link under the Inventory and Auctions menu.
* Before you can bid on iDirect, you must have an IBC login.
* A deposit is required prior to obtaining bidding rights and in order to place bids.
* Payments may be made via Telegraphic Transfer (TT), direct credit or Letter of Credit (LC).
Shipment and/or Delivery
* Once we receive the required payment, we will process the vehicle for shipment and/or delivery to you.
* We do not share, sell or reveal any information about our customers to any unassociated organization.
To know more about our specific terms of trade, register for FREE!